School Psychology Support
We promote mental health in educational settings through engaging wellbeing and mental health related programmes, counselling and consultative sessions.

Survey data generally indicates that teaching is a ‘high stress’ profession. (Travers and Cooper, 1996; Dunham and Varma, 1998; Kyriacou, 2000). When asked to rate their work experience, a quarter of schoolteachers regard teaching as a ‘very or extremely stressful’ job.
This 24/7 helpline service is available 365 days for teachers and is an effective way of providing assistance to teachers by opening channels to receive telephone consultations and counselling with one of our mental health professionals.
Customizable sessions on relevant mental health topics for both teachers and students. Our workshops and talks are conducted by subject matter professionals purposed to equip teachers, parents and students with awareness, helpful information and skills training pertaining mental health and psychological issues. The following are some topics we are able to assist with:
- ADHD in the Classroom
- Learning Disabilities and What to Do
- Stress Management for Kids
- Stress Management for Teachers
- Basic Counselling Skills for Teachers