Category: Services


School Psychology Support

We promote mental health in educational settings through engaging wellbeing and mental health related programmes, counselling and consultative sessions.


Survey data generally indicates that teaching is a ‘high stress’ profession. (Travers and Cooper, 1996; Dunham and Varma, 1998; Kyriacou, 2000). When asked to rate their work experience, a quarter of schoolteachers regard teaching as a ‘very or extremely stressful’ job.

This 24/7 helpline service is available 365 days for teachers and is an effective way of providing assistance to teachers by opening channels to receive telephone consultations and counselling with one of our mental health professionals.


Customizable sessions on relevant mental health topics for both teachers and students. Our workshops and talks are conducted by subject matter professionals purposed to equip teachers, parents and students with awareness, helpful information and skills training pertaining mental health and psychological issues. The following are some topics we are able to assist with:

  • ADHD in the Classroom
  • Learning Disabilities and What to Do
  • Stress Management for Kids
  • Stress Management for Teachers
  • Basic Counselling Skills for Teachers

Speak to our Team Today, Get to Know
How our Services can Promote Wellbeing in Schools

Research and Analysis

What is Research and Analysis?
Data-driven and evidence based research to understand behaviours of individuals, organizations and /or groups with occupational, clinical and educational applications.

To know more about our corporate services, call our team at +603 2242 0444 OR email [email protected].

Training and Development

What is Training and Development?
Customizable sessions on relevant topics from psychological perspectives conducted by professionals purposed to provide helpful information and activities for people to lead better lives. Our interactive and educational content aims to bring about positive change and personal growth for individuals and groups through seminars and workshops.

Topics range from various relatable challenges such as general health issues and stress. We also provide courses related to overall wellbeing such as mindfulness training and yoga.

Our Training and Development Programs include:

  • Stress Management
  • Anger Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Workplace Safety
  • Workplace Anxiety Management
  • Mindfulness Training

To know more about our corporate services, call our team at +603 2242 0444 OR email [email protected].

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

What is EAP?
EAP is a confidential and comprehensive assessment, short-term counselling, and referral service for employees and their family members who are experiencing personal or work-related problems that have a negative impact on work performance or personal life.

EAP is designed to diminish risk, reduce costs, and enhance employee productivity, leading to a more energetic, positive, and productive workplace.

What we offer?
Customizable contractual service provision to organizations/businesses which may include but not limited to the following:

  • Counselling Services – Qualified counsellors can provide support to help employees, either over the phone or in-person.
  • Information Services – The program’s information services can equip employees with essential knowledge to resolve issues at work or in their personal lives.
  • Management Support – Focusing on the human side of management, this service provides managers with impartial expert advice and guidance in dealing with the many difficult situations they can face on a daily basis.
  • Helpline – Available 24/7, this service provides over-the-phone counselling for individuals who require immediate attention.

To know more about our corporate services, call our team at +603 2242 0444 OR email [email protected].

Corporate Wellness

Mental illness is expected to be the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysians after heart diseases by 2020 (Health and Morbidity Survey; 2015) thus having real life implications for businesses, the economy and society in general.


EAP is designed to diminish risk, reduce costs, and enhance employee productivity, leading to a more energetic, positive, and productive workplace.


Some degree of stress is considered essential to maintain interest and stimulation in the work environment, however, there are many situations that may cause stress over and above what is regarded as normal. These are termed ‘crisis’ and have a profound effect on functioning.


Customizable sessions on relevant topics from psychological perspectives conducted by subject matter experts purposed to provide helpful information and activities for people to lead better lives.


Data-driven and evidence based research outputs and behaviours of individuals and/or groups with occupational, clinical and educational applications.

Speak to our Team Today, Get to Know
How our Services Fit into your Corporate Needs

Personal Wellness

3 out of every 10 Malaysians experience mental health issues (Health and Morbidity Survey; 2015). Our team of qualified mental health professionals offer a broad range of psychological services for children, adolescents, and adults.


Mental health is essential to a child’s overall wellbeing; strongly influencing ability to function and adapt well at home, at school and in society. Some of the areas or difficulties that our Psychologists can help children cope with are:

  • Conflict at Home and at School
  • Coping with/Overcoming Stressful Events (i.e. Divorce/Death of a Parent)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Developmental Concerns/Learning Disabilities (i.e. Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia)
  • IQ Evaluation/Slow Learner


Some of the social, emotional and behavioral challenges that we are able to help adults with include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger Management Issues
  • Adult ADHD
  • Psychological and Neurocognitive Issues
  • Sleep Problems
  • Trauma
  • Stress
  • Grief and Loss
  • Life Transitions
  • Substance Abuse/Use
  • Panic Disorder/Panic Attacks
  • Bi-polar Disorder
  • Eating and Body Image
  • Relationship Issues
  • Personal Growth


When individuals come together in an intimate relationship (marriage, dating relationship, life partners etc.), certain issues and struggles might arise as they attempt to sustain relationship satisfaction. Some common issues that can be explored through couple counselling include:

  • Financial Issues
  • Communication Difficulties
  • Trust
  • Coping with Extramarital Affairs
  • Differences in Goals and Values
  • Work-related Stress
  • Different Sexual Needs or Other Sexual Issues
  • Family Conflicts
  • Difference in Parenting Styles
  • Life Changes
  • Transitions


Families are complex systems. Each family member can have a strong impact on each of the other members, and on the family unit as a whole. Family therapy hones in on encouraging positive change, resolving conflict, better understanding of each other and improving overall interactions within the family. Family therapy helps families to:

  • Deal with Conflict More Productively
  • Process, Navigate and Cope with Familial Crisis
  • Overcome Significant Loss/Change
  • Improve Communication and Interactions
  • Increase Resilience in the Face of Various Challenges

Here are some assessments conducted.

At Effective Living, our team of psychologists conduct a wide variety of assessments tailored to cater to the specific needs of each individual client and their families.

All assessments conducted generally consists of diagnostic interviews, behavioral observation and the use of standardized psychometric instruments. The following is a general list of psychological assessment available for both adults, children and adolescents.

Cognitive Ability
(e.g. IQ)

Academic Difficulties
(e.g. ADHD)

Attention Difficulties

Relationship and Communication Styles

Emotional Difficulties (e.g. Depression, Anxiety)

Neuropsychological Function (e.g. Dementia)

Personality Assessment

This is a partial list of the many assessments, evaluations and screening available at Effective Living. If you need more information, please contact us at +603 2242 0444.

Take Action Today
Contact us to Schedule an Appointment

Refer to some of the frequently asked questions below which may help you out.

Contact us at +603 2242 0444 during office hours (9am-5pm; weekdays) and (9am-1pm; Saturdays) or email us at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

We adhere to the strictest standard of confidentiality. Information you provide us will not be released without your written consent except under the following circumstances:
1) Threats of imminent physical harm to yourself or others as well as child/elder abuse or neglect.
2) We may consult/share clinical information with other Effective Living counsellors or our contracted mental health professionals when necessary to better provide you with quality clinical services.

Frequency of sessions vary from individual needs and specific treatment plans.

Each session lasts an hour.

Our psychologists are able to make referrals for external psychiatric treatment.